Fourth English Music Festival
Featured June 2018
Theater touring company "The Fair"
Third spelling bee contest 2018
This past wednesday , june 20th our dear school was the headquarter of the third spelling bee contest which had many participant schools, such as: escuela bruno zavala, colegio cervantino, liceo polivalente el palomar, liceo sagrado corazón, liceo politécnico belén, colegio adventista, liceo josé antonio carvajal and buen pastor school.
The sixth english music festival
This next wednesday November 28th at 20:00 pm. Our school will carry out the sixth english music festival. This important event invites public and subsidized schools to be part of it. Schools such as liceo sagrado corazón, liceo josé antonio carvajal, liceo polivalente el palomar, escuela bernardo O´higgins, colegio cervantino and others.
Test Oral Part International Certification Tests Movers and KET
Last Thursday 5th July, in our school, it carried out the International Evaluation, Movers and KET tests rehearsal for 7th and 8th graders students.
The activity was in charged of The national examiner from Cambridge Chile, Sr. Jaime Correa Vera, who expressed our students are in good level for taking the test.
Allegorical Cars 2018
In a new version of the celebration of the 75th anniversary of our emblematic Good Shepherd School, there is a float tour with the different settings of the 22 courses from Pre Kindergarten to 8th grade. Thanks to the support of Carabineros de Chile it was possible to carry out the route without inconveniences. We emphasize the participation and commitment of the entire educational community.