On Saturday, June 9, the Scuola Italiana di Copiapó 2018 Athletics Championship was held in the premises of the establishment of the same name.
The invited categories:
Sub Penecas.
Children born 2008 2009.
Penecas born 2007 2006.
And preparatory category born in 2005
The athletic tests were speed 60, 80 and 100 meters flat.
Launching tests:
Launch initiation ball and javelin initiation for all categories. In addition, long jump tests were made for all categories and 400, 600 and 800 flat resistance tests.
The good shepherd school obtained different places in the competitions, highlighting the Benjamin González 6A students who won 1st place in long jump 2nd place in 80 flat meters and 1st place in 600 flat meters. In addition, the 7A Maykol Reinoso student who took 1st place in jump 2nd place in 100 meters flat and 1st place in 800 meters flat. Finally, we highlight the performance of the student Helliot Days of 7B who took 1st place in javelin throw 3rd place in 100 flat meters and 2nd place in 800 flat meters.
The participation of the ladies is also worthy of recognition. Those who stand out are the student Florencia Villalobos del 5B who obtained 3rd place in 80 flat meters 2nd place in long jump. In addition to Katalina Tabilo of 7B who took 1st place in throwing javelin initiation and 3rd place in long jump. And finally the student Antonella Altamirano who took 1st place in 100 meters flat, 1st place in 800 flat meters and 2nd place in launch. Congratulations to the students who represent your establishment in different disciplines.