The Management Plan of School Coexistence of our School is elaborated in coherence and direct relation with the mission and vision of the CBP, the norms of coexistence of the internal regulation, the educational aims, the principles and values of the PEI, the institutional seals and the actions of the PME, that is why this day we integrate the entire Educational Community to promote a healthy coexistence and prevent acts of school violence.
Activities per course with their Headquarters and support of Parents, Mothers and Parents.
The parents and guardians prepared messages for their pupils on Sana and Good School Coexistence (last Wednesday, April 18 at the meeting of parents) which were shared by the Head Teacher, who led the reflections and the participation of the students.
Also with the collaboration of parents, mothers and guardians, a coexistence was carried out in each course on Monday, April 23.
Activities of the educational community of the Buen Pastor School
Management team, subject teachers, education assistants, PIE team, psychosocial team, CRA team, administrative staff, JUNAEB team, student in practice of the various areas, representative of parents and school life coordinator, Professor Daniela Andana S. who organized and He directed this activity.
Discussion and presentation of the dimensions of work sent by the MINEDUC for the Celebration of the Day of the School Coexistence: "conversing you learn to live together".
More activities
One of the actions of the School Coexistence Management Plan of Buen Pastor School is to develop promotion strategies for: Prevention of school violence.
To achieve this goal, a management was carried out for the alliance with the Ripley multi-store of Mall Plaza Copiapó (03/12/18); Its Manager Mr. Jaime Bustos and work team, Ximena Cea and Patricio Gárate shared this Monday 4/23/18 with some courses shared their contributions to the promotion of Healthy School Coexistence with the promotional emoji "ELIJO SER TESTIGO".
WE ARE ALL PART OF THIS CAMPAIGN: giving timely notice of situations that damage or lack respect for people in the educational community.
Diplomas of Honor for the attendance and participation to each working group of the Educational Community.
Promotional bracelets "TOGETHER FOR THE SCHOOL COEXISTENCE, ILLUSTRIOUS MUNICIPALITY OF COPIAPÓ" giving support and promotion to the whole educational community.
In the photographs: students, teacher and inspectors.